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The V-force was the name given to the Royal Air Force’s strategic nuclear bomber force during the Cold War. As ...
27 June 2024
The British Rail Class 37 is a diesel-electric locomotive that was built by English Electric at the Vulcan Foundry. T...
26 January 2024
ML407 1944
The year 1944, the month June, the day the 6th. The commencement of the invasion of Europe with Operation Neptune to ...
24 November 2023
Roly Falk
In mid-1956 I returned to England from a two year working holiday in New Zealand and Australia, and urgently needed t...
28 July 2023
The race was on again to prepare XH558 for the 2009 airshow season. A host of servicing requirements awaited the atte...
25 November 2022
Valiant Bomber 249 Squadron. Ejection Seat chain of events. I completed Boy Entrant training as an armourer...
28 September 2022
On 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union began the Space Age by launching Sputnik 1. It was the world’s first artificial s...
Following the transfer of the strategic deterrent role to the Royal Navy’s Polaris fleet, on 30th June 1969, the RAF ...
A complete change in the role of the V- Bomber came about during 1963, when it became clear that in the absence of a ...
On Saturday 30 August 1952, history was made as Avro Type 698, VX770, took to the sky for the first time. It was the ...
24 March 2022