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The V-force was the name given to the Royal Air Force’s strategic nuclear bomber force during the Cold War. As ...
27 June 2024
The Doomsday Clock, a symbol created during the early years of the Cold War, serves as a metaphorical representa...
26 January 2024
Back in the summer of 1991 I had the good fortune to be invited by the then British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) to be th...
24 August 2023
Ian Hamilton I was posted to 44 Squadron (Rhodesia Squadron) from RAF Waddington in early 1964 as a 20 year old Ai...
28 July 2023
558 and Lancaster
With funds once again depleted XH558 had to sit patiently in her hangar after her all too brief taste of freedom. It ...
28 October 2022
Valiant Bomber 249 Squadron. Ejection Seat chain of events. I completed Boy Entrant training as an armourer...
28 September 2022
Our thanks to Jeremy Lewarn who recalls his time in the RAF in this detailed article. My memories of the Vulc...
24 August 2022
On 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union began the Space Age by launching Sputnik 1. It was the world’s first artificial s...
Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown is credited with over 2,400 carrier landings (no one else has come close) as well as be...
8 March 2022
Anti Flash White Vulcan
From the time of their arrival into service at the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU), all the Vulcans were painted si...
27 January 2022