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ML407 1944
The year 1944, the month June, the day the 6th. The commencement of the invasion of Europe with Operation Neptune to ...
24 November 2023
PR9 - 1-
Born in 1942, I obviously have few memories of WWII but one remains vivid. It is also the first distinct memory I hav...
23 August 2023
Sean Dad
Well-known and highly respected air show commentator Seán Maffett became synonymous with Vulcan displays and indeed w...
23 August 2023
Ian Hamilton I was posted to 44 Squadron (Rhodesia Squadron) from RAF Waddington in early 1964 as a 20 year old Ai...
28 July 2023
Barnes Wallis The concept for the Dambusters raid was first proposed early in World War II by aeronauti...
31 March 2023
Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown is credited with over 2,400 carrier landings (no one else has come close) as well as be...
8 March 2022
On 2 April 1982, Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands. It was the beginning of a ten-week conflict tha...
22 February 2022
Vulcan to the Sky volunteer Geoff Higley, who lives in Grantham, was in the airforce for 20 years as a navi...
29 July 2021
From February 1962 onwards two jets in every major RAF base, armed with nuclear weapons, were on standby for Quick Re...
12 October 2020
January 1947 – Clement Attlee’s government had made the decision that Britain required an independent nuc...